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prsgrrl's punk rock shred report
Sunday, November 20, 2005
sick and tired
Mood:  energetic
Topic: personal
haven't left the house in 2 days, but i think i finally kicked this flu. mostly. yes, i just knocked on my coffee table. which reminds me - time to take more zicam.

Targhee opened over the weekend. since I didn't leave the house, i obviously didn't ride, but my friend who did reported that they opened dreamcatcher (unexpectedly) on saturday and it was decent. by the end of the day it was pretty mushy, but that's not surprising for early season. and typical for targhee - western facing slopes get pummelled by the sun during the afternoon hours.

Another friend (the one who was supposed to go to targhee with me, but changed his mind due to only beginner lifts being open) went up to the pass on saturday. i'd tell you how it was but i haven't heard back from him. probably because i didn't go along.... but hopefully all is well and he had a good day and got home safely.

I guess I'll just wait until Thanksgiving, when snow king is supposed to open. my schedule just happenned to work out that i'm off during the morning on both thurs and fri, so that ought to work out well. Unless of course, i get sucked into MTGO tournaments - which might happen since they're giving away promo braingeyser cards for participation..... i am such a geek.

Saw the new harry potter movie on friday. they left a lot out, which isn't surprising considering the thickness of the novel. i don't know how cohesive the story was to those of us who didn't already know the parts that were omitted, but it flowed well as far as I could tell. I would definitely suggest watching all the other movies and reading the books before you go see it, if you plan to see it.

Rent is coming out next weekend. here's hoping it hits jackson. then again, surround sound and stadium seating might be worth the drive to IF anyway. we'll see. depends on my snowboarding habits. I'll probably stay close to the hill.

10 days till i start working at the village. two weeks from now i'll be on the gondola. the waiting is almost over.

Posted by prsgrrl at 11:23 PM MST

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