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prsgrrl's punk rock shred report
Monday, December 21, 2009
Under the influence of Gossip Girl
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: couch potato commentary
Yes, I've watched every episode of Gossip Girl.  More than once.  Yes, now I'm reading the books, and yes, I read her blog.  Check it out at if you're curious... although the real life one is about celebrities and she uses their full names.... So my point is this:  If you've read my blog before, you may have noticed a change in the style.  I'm using initials instead of actual names.  Anyone who knows me will know whose initials those are.  Anyone who doesn't, doesn't need to know.  Of course, I don't have the luxury of choosing the names of all the characters who enter my life like Cecily von Ziegesar does, and I've already run into an issue with two A's and two E's.... but I think I'll figure that out somehow.  I know other nicknames, such as "lonely boy" and "little j" have appeared on GG, and for herself it's always two letters, so I think I might have a solution.  I guess we'll just have to wait until I ride with everyone at once to see if it really works....  Till then, you know you love me!  XOXO

Posted by prsgrrl at 6:03 PM MST
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: couch potato commentary
New Snow: 19"
New snow in the past 3 days: 31"

Yeaaaaaaah! Hell week is over. Goodbye to the evil "r" word, hello SNOW! I am working a double shift today (just like yesterday, and the day before that.... and of course on Monday I worked 12 and a half hours between 2 of my 3 jobs...) But I'm not jealous. First of all, I now have the money to pay off the credit card on which I just bought new snowpants and a new snowboard jacket. 686 all the way baby. Second of all, I know there will be powder tomorrow. How, you ask, do I know this? hehehe.... The answer is at this website. Thunder, Sublette, and the Tram are all closed today. Which means there will be freshies tomorrow. Hooray for the wind! And the sky's looking pretty gray, so maybe we'll get even MORE snow. Either way, I'm fired up!

Channel 8, I'm sorry I doubted your report yesterday morning that we would get a foot and a half of snow. I fell asleep in front of the TV, which was apparently on ABC for some reason, and when I awoke the weather report was just starting. I was only half conscious, but I remember thinking I must still be asleep because the national weather service only predicted 1 to 3 inches. But KIFI knew what they were talking about! Way to go!

18 hours until I'm at the JHMR doing the ski report. 18 days until I get my new board. For those of you not fluent in Hebrew, 18 = chai = life. Halfway through Chanukah and we've already gotten 31" of snow. Life is good.

Posted by prsgrrl at 12:17 PM MST
Thursday, November 3, 2005
hit the floor
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: couch potato commentary
woke up this morning to find that snow had finally hit the valley floor. JOY! almost didn't have to get up off the couch to take this:

figured it would be a great day. boy was I wrong. kicked it on the couch for a while playing video games and watching tv. finally decided to enter the ravnica release tourney on mtgo. lost miserably but had fun and got some cool cards. returned a video - pay attention because this is where it all went downhill. didn't need my wallet so I detached my house key from my keychain. i bet you can see where I'm going with this.

fast forward to 6pm. left the house for groceries. took my wallet and the attached keychain. left the house key - you guessed it - inside the house. what a nightmare. long story short - in jackson, if you stop a random stranger on the street and ask him to climb up to your balcony and break into your house, he's probably roommates with one of your friends. And if he finds someone else to do the climbing, chances are THAT person has a picture of your friend on his myspace profile. and if your friend is REALLY cool, he'll bring over a new doorknob and spend an hour installing it despite his raging migraine. Oh yeah, did I not mention that BEFORE enlisting the aid of random strangers I attempted to kick in the door and managed to complete the destruction I started the LAST time I locked myself out and tried to kick my way in. So the only way in was to completely remove the doorknob. Hmmm. I didn't really make that short, did I? anyway, thanks to everyone who helped me. you guys ROCK.

Posted by prsgrrl at 11:33 PM MST
Updated: Thursday, November 3, 2005 11:37 PM MST
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
nothing new
Mood:  lazy
Topic: couch potato commentary
ah. the joy of a day off. after working 2 jobs all summer, it's nice to have two entire days with nowhere to be and nothing to do. of course, that means i have nothing to report. well, except....


I know, this is not exactly a current event. I'm about a week late with this revelation. but it's been a while since my last post and i've been building things all over the web lately (in between episodes of Rome, CSI, yugioh, and everything else on my digital video recorder.) I've got links on the left of the page if you're curious what i've been building / joining / uploading. got a new facelift, as did my site here at tripod.

yeah, it really needs to snow. soon.

Posted by prsgrrl at 4:59 PM MDT
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
election day
Mood:  energetic
Topic: couch potato commentary
so i currently have 3 different news websites up as well as election coverage on CNN playing on tv. polls aren't even closed on the east coast, let alone here, but i voted on friday anyway so it seems like the election is over and should be tallied by now. really don't see why all the states don't do it the way we do here - go into the county clerk's office and vote whenever it's convenient with a deadline of nov 2.... seems crazy that there are these ridiculous lines everywhere and the places where it's really close are the places where it's hardest to vote. sheesh. not like i even care who wins anyway.

on to more interesting topics - like the weather. it's been cold here, cold enough for the king to blow snow. the hardcore are hiking the pass, i hear it's pretty tracked out at this point. then again, that's not exactly unusual for jackson terrain. i had 3 different people offer to hike with me on sunday, but apparently halloween took too much out of them because nobody called me. i happen to know that's because they slept in. so did i. i guess that makes it all even.

Posted by prsgrrl at 1:24 PM MST

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