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prsgrrl's punk rock shred report
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
election day
Mood:  energetic
Topic: couch potato commentary
so i currently have 3 different news websites up as well as election coverage on CNN playing on tv. polls aren't even closed on the east coast, let alone here, but i voted on friday anyway so it seems like the election is over and should be tallied by now. really don't see why all the states don't do it the way we do here - go into the county clerk's office and vote whenever it's convenient with a deadline of nov 2.... seems crazy that there are these ridiculous lines everywhere and the places where it's really close are the places where it's hardest to vote. sheesh. not like i even care who wins anyway.

on to more interesting topics - like the weather. it's been cold here, cold enough for the king to blow snow. the hardcore are hiking the pass, i hear it's pretty tracked out at this point. then again, that's not exactly unusual for jackson terrain. i had 3 different people offer to hike with me on sunday, but apparently halloween took too much out of them because nobody called me. i happen to know that's because they slept in. so did i. i guess that makes it all even.

Posted by prsgrrl at 1:24 PM MST

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